University Faculty Council Meeting
10 September 2004

Members Present: Kevin Cassel (MMAE), Bill Grimshaw (SOC), Joyce Hopkins (PSYC), Andy Howard (BCPS), Sanjiv Kapoor (CS), Robert Krawczyk (ARCH), Arthur Lubin (AMAT), William Newman (MSED), David Peterson (PSYC), Ganesh Raman (MMAE), Ken Schug (BCPS), Phil Troyk (BME), Miles Wernick (ECE), Geoff Williamson (ECE),

Members Absent: David Sharpe (ARCH), Jeff Budiman (CAE), Howard Chapman (Kent), Ralph Brill (Kent), Bogdan Korel (CS), Joel Goldhar (SGSB)

Visitor Representing Department: Fouad Teymour (CHEE)

Visitor: Michael Young (PSYC/Outgoing Chair)

Departments without chosen representatives: HUM (two member), ID (one member), CHEE (two member), AMAT (one additional member)

Convening: The meeting began about 12:10pm in the Trustees' Dining Room of the HUB.


We agreed that our outgoing chair, Michael Young, would lead us through the agenda items before proceeding to the election of new members. Andy Howard, outgoing secretary, agreed to function as acting secretary until the elections. The items to be considered are:


Faculty survey:

Ken Schug, Geoff Williamson, and Maritsa Poros (check spelling) worked with Bruce Fisher last year. Robert Krawczyk agreed to join the effort. This group of four faculty members will work with Bruce this year; Joyce Hopkins will substitute for Maritsa if she is unable to do it.

Meeting schedule:

In previous years the University Faculty Council has met at noon on the third Friday of each month. After some discussion the Council agreed that the second Friday would work better. Accordingly the schedule will be for meetings at noon on 8 October, 12 November, and 10 December 2004; and 7 January, 11 February, 11 March, 8 April, and 13 May. Meetings will be held in the Trustees' Dining Room of the HUB until further notice.

Finance committee and involvement

Howard Chapman carried out an ambitious effort, but it took a long time to get his report into a sensible form--too long for the faculty to take any real action on it in the spring. Phil suggested that if Council wants to be actively involved in dealing with the University's financial woes, we will need to understand the administration's plan, under which IIT's cash-flow deficit is being covered by the IITRI sale. The unfortunate thing is that that IITRI sale could otherwise have been used to rescue the endowment. The administration's master plan has 3 components, each of which is supposed to deal with one-third of the projected shortfalls:

Phil posed the problem in this way: how does one attract more customers while charging them more for the services you offer them? Is there a methodical plan to accomplish this? Does that plan make sense? Clearly there will be pain in getting there. If the faculty does not buy in to the process, morale will bottom out when the administration begins to impose draconian cuts; so we need to get involved in the planning--in particular, in establishing priorities for cutting. Joyce agreed that if we're involved, the pain that we will soon undergo will be better understood and the choices for cuts could be more intelligently made. Fouad observed that Thursday's leadership meetings indicated that revenues in 03-04 fell short of projections, but that this year's revenue is on target. Sanjiv noted that the US News rating for IIT has dropped because of reduction in 2003 revenues.

Phil suggested that there are actually two financial tasks before us: preparing a report, and participating in the decision-making. He asked if we should therefore appoint two separate working groups--one for each function. Presumably the report-preparation task should fall primarily to people with bookkeeping or accounting experience, but the decision-making group would necessarily need to be dominated by financial experts. Kevin noted that there is some overlap between the two functions, so even if we end up appointing two separate working groups, they should have a member or two in common. Phil asked that we come to the next meeting with names of participants. Ken asked whether a faculty council member should chair these groups, and Phil said that that wasn't obligatory. Phil mentioned that Howard is willing to help again, but doesn't want to lead. After further discussion Andy proposed the formation of two groups, each chaired by a Fac Council member, to perform these functions.


Phil will send to the membership an e-mail that includes a description of the two financial groups just mentioned.  The same e-mail will include the current UCopt membership and a list of standing committees that we need to fill.


Library Committee: Phil willing to continue to serve on this group, but recommended that  someone else chair it. The need here is for advocacy for the library, and UniFC is the library's only avenue. Andy Howard agreed to chair the group and Bob Krawczyk serve along with him and Phil. Ken Schug will continue to attend meeting.

Studies Committees: Geoff suggested that we include Joe LoCicero in discussions of the Studies Committee responsibilities.

Other: There is a need to fill several other standing committees with UniFC members. Phil asked that each member plan to come to the October meeting prepared to serve on one or more committees (see "Communication," above).


The meeting was adjourned about 1:40 pm.