University Faculty Council Meeting
8 October 2004

Members Present: Kevin Cassel (MMAE), Warren Edelstein(AMAT), Ruthanna Gordon (PSYC), Bill Grimshaw (SOC), Joyce Hopkins (PSYC), Andy Howard (BCPS), Sanjiv Kapoor (CS), Kevin Cassel (MMAE) ( Robert Krawczyk (ARCH), Vijay Kumar (ID), William Newman (MSED), Phil Troyk (BME), Geoff Williamson (ECE), Ruthanna Gordon (PSYC)

Members Absent: David Sharpe (ARCH), Howard Chapman (Kent), Ralph Brill (Kent), Joel Goldhar (SGSB), Ganesh Raman (MMAE), Glenn Broadhead (HUM)

Departments without chosen representatives:  CHEE (two members)
 [secretary's note: following the meeting, Prof. Teymour indicated that ChEE's two representatives are Jay Schieber and Victor Pérez-Luna]

Visitors: Don Ucci (ECE / Assoc. Provost), Jack Snapper (HUM/UG College)

Convening: The meeting began about 12:10pm in the Trustees' Dining Room of the HUB.

Role of the UniFC: Phil Troyk said he recently had a meeting with President Collens, and came out of it with a determination to have the Council play a role in improving and restoring geniune faculty governance. One avenue is authentic involvement in the financial prioritization and decision-making. The administration is in favor of our involvement in this process: convincing the faculty to participate is likely to be the problem.At a recent leadership meeting that Phil attended, the topic was the development of strategic goals for the University. President Collens has articulated a three-tiered approach to success: increased enrollment, decreased enrollment discounts, and increased endowment. Most of the discussion was associated with the first of these tiers, particularly with regard to defining enrollment targets. The 2004 overall enrollment goal was exceeded, and Phil has confidence that the administration is actually thinking about how to achieve the goals. Betsy Hughes in charge of development; she's back after being away a while.

Minutes of the 10 September meeting:

The minutes were approved by acclamation with one correction noted; this correction is being effected on the website.

UCoPT Member selection:

The provost has asked for rapid action to fill three additional slots on the University Committee on Promotion and Tenure to replace Profs. Raju, Schmaus, and Tourk. The Psychology Institute has submitted the name of Prof. Roya Ayman to fill one of those positions. After some discussion the UniFC nominated Professors Robert Ladenson (Humanities) and Goldhar (SGSB) for the other positions. The Council agreed by acclamation to these nominations, and directed the Chair and the Secretary to invite these individuals to join UCoPT. [Secretary's note: Profs. Ayman and Goldhar have accepted appointment following the meeting. Prof. Ladenson is already on CamCoPT is is accordingly ineligible to serve on UCoPT. An effort to find the final member is underway.]

UniFC Committee assignments:

Phil proposed that we appoint chairs for each committee and encourage the chair to find two other members for his or her committee. Typically one of the recruits will be from within UniFC and the other from outside. Phil will send out a list of UniFC members that are already serving on committees to facilitate this process. The following committee chairs and members were put forth, either during the meeting or beforehand:

Phil will send an e-mail to the UniFC emphasizing the importance of fulfilling these functions. The Sabbatical Leaves committee will become time-critical at one point during the academic year. The committee labeled as "Financial A" above is involved in data gathering and reportage back to UniFC; "Financial B" is associated with financial prioritization and communications to the faculty as a whole.

Academic Senate Chair:

The UniFC has not elected an Academic Senate Chair in the last two years. Last year there was an effort to elect a Senate Chair, but it was not fully implemented. The Faculty Handbook says that an election should be conducted, but it does not specify the format of the election. The plan last year was to have a simple e-mail balloting system, in spite of the less-than-complete anonymity that such a system provides.  The UniFC agreed by acclamation to elect a chair in this way this year. Phil asked that we seek nominations, both from our own thoughts and from our academic units. Bill Grimshaw recommended Peter Beltemacchi; other names suggested were those of Michael Young (PSYC) and David Williams (MMAE). Phil will ask these individuals whether they would be willing to stand for election and will issue a call for further nominations from the Academic Units.

Undergraduate & Graduate Students Committees

On 22 April 2004 the Undergraduate Studies Committee approved a resolution recommending that the University-wide IPro requirement be reduced from six semester-hours to three. In late spring the UniFC received that resolution and decided that it should appoint a committee to review the issue, but delayed appointment of that committee until the beginning of the new academic year in order to enable the newly-constituted UniFC to develop its membership. The UniFC accordingly discussed the IPro resolution as a whole--not just in terms of constructing that committee, but in a broader sense. Bill Grimshaw asked whether student reaction had been adequately sampled, and Jack Snapper argued that it had. It was suggested that the University administration believes that the dissatisfaction with the current IPro requirement centers on a few disgruntled faculty rather than being a widespread malaise. Jack Snapper argued that the UGSC did consider all aspects of the issue, even though it did not forward to UniFC the details of its deliberations. Kevin Cassel argued that that UniFC does need a summary of those deliberations in order to avoid rehashing the issues that the Undergraduate Studies Committee has already discussed. Kevin suggested that appointment of an additional committee is inappropriate, and that seeking a fuller explanation from UG Studies makes more sense.  Don Ucci said he had assured both Faculty Councils (Main Campus and University) in the spring that indeed all the issues were brought up at UGSC. Phil lamented the fact that the discussion we had in May was focused on economics, not on the academics. Geoff Williamson argued that the UniFC's task is to express our informed opinion and pass it onward (or not), rather than pushing it back to UGSC or an independent committee. Jack and Don pointed out that UniFC could pass the UG Studies Committee's recommendation on to the faculty as a whole without our specifically taking a position for or against it--we can put it forward without prejudice. Jack also observed that drafting an articulation of the UGSC's discussion would not be a trivial task; it could delay bringing the issue before the full faculty by about two months. After considerable additional discussion the UniFC agreed by acclamation that we would charge UGSC with assembling a report describing the content of its discussion, and that we would defer action on the resolution until we received that.

Responsibilities of the Studies Committees and the Faculty Council

Kevin Cassel asked how effective the liasons between the Studies Committees and the UniFC are. Geoff Williamson and others suggested that this question ties in with the more general question of the real role of the University Faculty Council itself: to what degree is the UniFC charged with taking independent action, and to what degree is it simply a deliberative body that passes all issues of substance on to the faculty as a whole. Based on the language in Appendix P of the Faculty Handbook, we run the risk of simply duplicating the work of committees like the Studies Committees. Phil argued that UniFC can solicit comments any way we like, and that we have discretion on most issues as to whether they need to be brought before the faculty as a whole. Curricular issues are the exceptions to this rule of discretion. Joyce Hopkins observed that in some ways the UniFC is more representative than the faculty as a whole is. Phil argued that the general roles of the Studies Committees and the Faculty Council constitute a good issue for reconsideration, even if that means making changes to the Faculty Handbook.

The discussion returned to the question of liasons between the Studies Committees and the Council. Don Ucci asked whether there is an official liason to Undergraduate Studies, and Phil said, "not yet." Don suggested that even an unofficial one would be good. Undergraduate Studies meets from 11:45-12:45 on the second Thursday of each month. Phil recommended that Ganesh Raman act as UGSC liason and Glenn Broadhead as GSC liason, with Kevin Cassel as backup. Andy Howard noted that a taskforce to discuss the boundaries around the responsibilities of the Studies Committees was appointed last year. This taskforce was to consist of John Callend, Joe Locicero, and Michael Young. Geoff pointed out that representation on the UGSC is set up at the level of programs, not academic units. He agreed to be an additional liason.

Creature Comforts

Joyce Hopkins asked whether we could get lunch for these meetings.  Phil agreed to look into this.


The meeting was adjourned about 1:49 pm.