Agenda for University Faculty Council Meeting,
Hermann Lounge, Hermann Union Building 12:00pm - 2:00pm, Friday 27 February 2009

  1. Lunch (12:00 noon - 12:35pm)
  2. Approval of 2008 and January 2009 UniFC Meeting Minutes (Andy Howard)
  3. UCoPT Face-to-Face Meetings with Provost
  4. Student honesty issues: update (Chris White)
  5. Summer Salary Rules (David Venerus, Alan Cramb)
  6. Administration Issues (Mary Anne Smith)
    1. Change tenure & promotion candidate evaluation system (Appendix C)
    2. Change chair of faculty meeting from President to Provost
    3. Records retention
    4. Interdisciplinary degrees
    5. Honorary Degrees

  7. New Performance Appraisal Form (Alan Cramb)
  8. Name Change:
    Center for Professional Development will be renamed the School of Technology Management and Professional Development
  9. Strategic Plan (Alan Cramb)
  10. Handbook Change: Addition of Family Policy language to Faculty Handbook
  11. Graduate Degree Program Proposal:
    Master of Integrated Building Delivery (M-IBD), College of Architecture (Arch representatives)
  12. Proposed revisions of the Undergraduate business degree (Jack Snapper, Suzanne Mueller)
  13. Student evaluations of faculty: report from subcommittee
  14. Proposed handbook changes regarding participation of academic deans, President, and Provost in AuCoPT activities and chair searches (Academic Affairs Subcommittee)
  15. New Business
  16. Adjournment