X-ray properties


Z 0
Atomic Weight 0.00000000
Density 0.00000000
Edge Energies
K 1.23314265E-43
L1 0.00000000
L2 1.79366203E-43
L3 0.00000000
M 1.40129846E-45
K-alpha 0.00000000
K-beta 8.40779079E-45
L-alpha 6.86636248E-44
L-beta 0.00000000
Edge jumps

Edge jumps can not be calculated for z < 10
K 1.40129846E-45
L1 0.00000000
L2 7.00649232E-45
L3 6.86636248E-44

Created by Pathikrit Bandyopadhyay, recent updates by Carlo Segre.

Calculations are based on data compiled By W. H.McMaster et. al.

Fluorescence yield data by M. O. Krause, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data. 8,307(1979).

Please report problems to Carlo Segre (segre@iit.edu).