Introduction to the Professions
Biology, Chemistry, and Physics 100
lecture notes for Thursday-Tuesday, 5-10 October 2006

Statistics in the Natural Sciences

General comments:

We will not provide rigorous definitions in this treatment, but we do want to illustrate the ways the first four of these tools are used in scientific measurements. The last of these tools (weighting) will be discussed in the contexts of central measure and dispersion.

Central measure

If we measure something many times, we often want to know some sort of central measure for our observations--a measure that is typical of the collection of measurements. Three common central measures are:


How are the following two distributions different?

A:    0, 5, 8, 9, 13, 15, 20, 27, 30, 33

B:    13, 13, 14, 15, 16, 16, 17, 18, 19, 19

We have sorted the measurements by value, but that does not alter the properties of the distributions. Each distribution has ten observations in it and a mean value of 16. But the values in distribution B are much more closely clustered around the mean value of 16; all lie within three units of the mean, whereas the values in distribution A wander much farther from the mean. We consider B to be "tighter" distribution. How do we quantify this tightness?

  1. By the range of measurements in the distribution. This is the difference between the largest and smallest observations in the distribution, so it is 33 in the first distribution and 6 in the second.

  2. By a quantitative measure known as the variance. If we are calculating a sample mean with the unweighted formula, then the sample variance associated with that mean is

    v = Σ (xi - [x])2 / [N - 1]
    Note that for one observation the variance is meaningless. This makes sense: we cannot usefully discuss the distribution of values when only one observation exists.

  3. By a related quantitative measure known as the standard deviation. This is nothing more than the square root of the variance:

    σ = { Σ (xi - [x])2 / [ N - 1] } 1/2
    As you might expect, there are associated formulas for the standard deviation and variance in cases where the mean is weighted rather than unweighted.


Histograms are representations of distributions for which we concentrate on how often any particular value arises. Typically the histogram is representated as a graph with observed values along the horizontal axis and their frequency--the number of times that a particular value arises--along the vertical axis. Thus for the distribution given above under "mode", the histogram looks like

 4 |                   *
 3 |                   *
 2 |         *         * *         *
 1 | *     * * * * *   * * *       *   *     *
   ---------------------------------------------- value
         1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
     8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Usually histograms are plotted for distributions with hundreds or thousands of data points, not just eighteen. But even in this case it becomes possible to see from the histogram which values appear often and which do not. In particular, the mode of the distribution is immediately evident: it's the peak of the histogram. In a distribution for which the values are real numbers, histograms of the individual values are nearly meaningless, because every measured value is likely to be slightly different from every other. Thus the histogram will be composed entirely of N values equal to one or zero--one where an observation appears, zero everywhere else. Therefore under these circumstances histograms are usually built by "binning" values along the observational axis--that is, grouping them so that all values within a small range, say between 18.5 and 19.4999, are counted as being equal to a single value, in this case 19. As long as the "bins" into which values are grouped are of equal width, this kind of binned histogram will provide a useful image of the frequency of values in the distribution.


Up to now we have been casual about what order we make measurements. In many circumstances this is appropriate: we may not really care whether the large measurements were recorded at the beginning, middle, or end of the sequence of observations. In other circumstances we are distinctly interested in how the observations we make are changing over time. In effect, we are interested in plotting our observations as a function of time or at least of sequence number within our recording period. We are thus interested in the trend displayed by the data.

Trends need not be entirely monotonic in order to be significant. A monotonic distribution is in which every value is larger than the previous one, or in which every value is smaller than the previous one. These trends tend to be easy to spot. A more alert observer is needed to recognize trends in which an overall tendency upward or downward is combined with some fluctuations up and down. If your car's gasoline mileage is slowly getting poorer because your engine is needs a tune-up, you may not find that the mileage on one fill-up is always going to be lower than that found in the previous fill-up. It may actually get better on the October 15th fill-up than the October 9th fill-up if you did a lot of city driving on October 4-9 and a lot of steady, country-road driving on October 9-15. But the overall trend would be downward, so that the average gas mileage during June and July would be 10% better than during September and October. At that point you would know that it's time to see your friendly mechanic.

Trends in scientific measurements are significant when repeated measurements need to be made, and the time-course of the experiment is potentially one of the influences on the measurement. In X-ray crystallography the diffraction spots we measure tend to get weaker over time, because the crystalline order of our sample begins to disappear due to radiation damage. In neutron crystallography decay is essentially non-existent. Thus if you re-measure the same Bragg reflection many times over the course of an X-ray experiment, the trend will be downward; in a neutron experiment, there will be no trend, and random fluctuations will be the only source of variation.